Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty or simply known as tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that flattens the abdominal area by removing excess fat and skin. It may also rebuild weakened or separated muscles to create more smoother and tighter abdominal. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create a more toned look. People may choose to get tummy tuck for number of reasons such as; loose skin after drastic weight loss, slack abdominal skin and muscles after pregnancy, abdominal scarring from earlier surgery or injury. It is also possible to remove some pregnancy marks and make others less noticeable through the abdominoplasty. You can also opt to get a partial abdominoplasty, or mini tummy tuck, is a less complex procedure with shorter incisions. It is suitable for patient who with fat localized in the lower parts of abdominal. This procedure less scaring due to usage of shorter incisions and have lesser recovery time compare to standard procedure.

For better results proper preparation for your operation is vital. Your surgeon will explain every detail about the procedure. Your surgeon also may advise you to lose excess fat, make you stop taking contraceptive pills to reduce the chances of a blood clot and ask you to stop smoking at least 2 for weeks prior to operation.

This surgery can last one to five hours, depending on your desired results. The complexity of your particular situation also will determine whether you have it completed as an in-patient or outpatient procedure. You will receive general anesthesia which will put you to sleep. A large incision will be made by your surgeon between your bellybutton and pubic hair. Through the incision, weakened abdominal muscles are repaired and sutured, excess fat tissue and skin is removed. A second incision around the navel may be necessary for some patients to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen. As a result, you will get flatter and firmer abdominal contour that is more proportionate with your body type and weight.

You should bear in mind that, this treatment won’t help you lose weight and it won’t stop you from gaining weight in future. However, with the proper diet and exercise the effects of the surgery can last very long.

Our doctors at Medlife Group in Turkey will help you decide the best option for your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Tummy Tuck procedure for?

Abdominoplasty, also known as Tummy Tuck, is a cosmetic procedure for flattening the abdomen, tightening abdominal muscles, and removing excess skin in the stomach.

2. Who is suitable for a Tummy Tuck?

A Tummy Tuck is most likely to benefit those who have been though pregnancy or lost a lot of weight and have loose skin around the belly area. It is not recommended for people who plan to get pregnant in the future, as weight gain can deform the outcome of the surgery

3. What types of Tummy Tuck procedures are there?

Most commonly, there are mini, standard, and extended Tummy Tucks. The difference between these operations is the length of the incision and the amount of skin being removed.

4. Does Tummy Tuck leave a scar?

Yes, it leaves a scar at the lower abdomen. However, tummy tuck incisions are usually low enough to be easily covered.

5. What is the difference between Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

Liposuction only removes fat, while Tummy Tuck repairs abdominal muscles and removes excess skin. It is common for these two procedures to be done at the same time.

How Does Process Work?

  • First Day: You will arrive at the airport and our team will drive you to your hotel.
  • Second Day: You will be taken to the hospital and have a face-to-face consultation with your doctor. The pre-operative tests will be done to make sure all is well to proceed. After this stage you will undergo the surgery.
  • Third Day: On the third day you will be recovering in the hospital and check-ups will be done to make sure there are no complications and you’re on your way to a quick recovery.
  • Fourth - Seventh Day: You will be taken back to your hotel to rest.
  • Eighth Day: On the last day you will check out and will be taken to the airport to depart. After you leave, our aftercare team will be in touch with you to monitor your recovery.

Pre-Op Instructions

  • Two weeks prior to surgery, all herbal supplements like Vitamin E and certain medications should be discontinued to decrease bleeding and subsequent bruising.
  • You must quit smoking at least 3 weeks prior to surgery. Your surgery will be cancelled if you continue to smoke as smoking increases your chances of respiratory problems and wound healing problems. This is an elective procedure, with multiple incisions that will not heal, resulting in a poor cosmetic outcome and long term wound care if you continue to smoke.
  • The week of surgery, wash daily with an antimicrobial soap to decrease your chances of infection. In addition, at your preoperative appointment you will be given a Hibiclens scrub brush that you should use the morning of surgery. If you have an active rash or infection, your surgery will be delayed until it is resolved.
  • Do not drink or eat anything after midnight the day prior to your surgery to minimize the risk of aspiration or other anesthetic related problems. This includes water, coffee, gum, mints, etc. The anesthesiologist will cancel your surgery if you eat or drink anything after midnight.
  • Bring a list of your medications and herbal supplements the morning of surgery for review with your anesthesiologist. If you have a history of breathing problems, bring your inhaler to the surgery center.
  • Do not wear contact lenses to the surgery center/hospital. Bring a case for your glasses.

Post-Op Instructions

  • Have someone drive you home after surgery and help you at home for 1-2 days.
  • Get plenty of rest and follow a balanced diet.
  • Constipation is a side effect of decreased activity, use of pain medicines, and dehydration. Be sure to walk, drink fluids regularly, and consider adding raw fruit to your diet. Your doctor may prescribe a stool softener along with the narcotics. Call our office if constipation becomes an issue.
  • Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin unless approved by your surgeon.
  • If you are taking vitamins with iron, resume these as tolerated.
  • Do not smoke or be around a smoker. This can be the most significant cause of serious healing issues.
  • Start walking as soon as possible - this helps to reduce swelling, lower the chance of developing blood clots and/or pneumonia, and avoid constipation.
  • Do not drive until you have full range of motion with your arms, and can stop the car or swerve in an emergency, typically 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid lifting anything over 5 pounds for 6 weeks. This can be modified by your physician.
  • Avoid straining of abdominal muscles. Strenuous exercise and activities.
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