Dental Implant


Dental Implant

About Dental Implants:

  Dental health is one of the most important aspects of our lifes. People all over the world go to great lengths to keep their teeth in good condition. But what if you happen to lose your teeth for numerous reasons? Dental implants are the closest thing that you can have healthy, natural teeth.

  Dental implants are widely regarded as the best option for replacing missing or damaged teeth. The procedure is painless because it is performed either under local or general anesthesia, which fully numbs the mouth and makes an easy operation for the patient. When the numbness wears off dental implantation, the patient might experience minor pain.

Process of the Treatment:

  Dental implant is done without causing the patient any pain. The patient's bone mass and tooth structure are assessed in the first stage of the assessment. If the bone density and quantity are insufficient to support the implant, bone grafting is used. The implant tooth is placed after the ossification process has completed. 

  The implant must fuse to the jawbone before the prosthesis phase can begin. Many patients can resume their social lives the day after the implants are surgically implanted in their jawbone. Generally, it is left to heal for 3-4 months; if this is insufficient, the time is extended.

  In Turkey, dental implant treatment takes nearly 4 months. It is divided into two phases. The first phase takes three days, and the second phase takes seven days. However, we should keep in mind that the duration of treatment may differ from one patient to the other one.

The process of placing a dental implant involves multiple steps, You can find the steps below;

  1. Damaged tooth removal
  2. Jawbone preparation (grafting), when needed
  3. Dental implant placement
  4. Bone growth and healing
  5. Abutment placement
  6. Artificial tooth placement

  Certain phases can be combined depending on your situation, the process performed, or the materials used.


  Self-care is pretty important in dental implant treatment. After your treatment is complete, self- care should be taken for your teeth. We have listed the things to do after the treatment for you.

  • Very cold or very hot food and drink should not be consumed after the implant. 
  • Since the gums opened with a surgical operation are closed by suturing; The sutures should not be damaged during the healing process. Care should be taken not to consume hard foods and not to apply pressure to the stitched area until the stitches are removed.
  • If you are given removable temporary denture by our doctors, you should only start wearing them after three weeks.
  • Limit physical activity for 24-48 hours, as it may lead to bleeding.
  • No smoking for at least 3 days!

Dental Treatment in Turkey:

  With its natural beauties, mild weather, lively daily life and many more features, İzmir allows you to have a nice holiday besides your dental treatment. Your dental health is now in safe hands with our expert dentists who have graduated from the best schools and have gained experience for years.

To get more informations about the treatment, you may check the dentistry tab in our website.


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Jun 02, 2022

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